Links to other resources in International Extension Programs
CFAES International Programs in Agriculture
Farmer to Farmer programs (an Initiative of the USAID)
OSU Extension Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Global Relations Committee
Book Coming Soon - September 2019
International Extension Nova Published Book--Coming Soon With a Release Date of September 2019
See preview of Book Cover
International Survey Results
IPA Survey – August 2017
Out of 162 responses:
- In assessing respondents’ interest in working internationally in the future, 77% (n=124) respondents expressed interest [71 (44%) very interested; 53 (33%) somewhat interested].
- In assessing respondents’ interest in working domestically in international programming in the future, 86% (n=139) respondents expressed interest (62 very interested; 77 somewhat interested).
Igodan Survey – April 2018
- 51% indicated that they were very interested or interested in international Extension work
- 69% indicated that they would be interested in further discussing international Extension work.
Testimonials from OSU Extension
“I just returned from the NELD trip to Costa Rica, and my experience has already changed how I look and interact with my clientele and offer programming. It was only a week, so I can't imagine what more experiences offered could do!”
“My time working and conducting research internationally has made an indelible mark on me. […] If there is any way I can contribute to international programs or projects affiliated with OSU Extension, please do not hesitate to contact me.”
“…the experience has helped me develop more effective and relevant nutrition education strategies.”
“...helped improve my programming skills and volunteer management skills.”
“…I brought new technologies from these countries that have been adopted by my clientele that has resulted in increased farm profits or savings for them.”
“the work I did overseas…reminded me how to be an effective teacher and Extension educator.”